Denslow's Three Bears
W. W. Denslow
Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015)

This version of the classic tale of the three bears has a heroine named Golden Hair. The jolly bears, instead of chasing her away from their home, come to live with her at Grandmother's house. The recording can be enjoyed by itself, or you can read along with the Library of Congress facsimile version from the International Children's Digital Library. (0 hr 7 min)
The Three Bears | 7:14 | Read by Denny Sayers (d. 2015) |
Child's Delight

Chelsea ✌️
My pre-schooler loves this version. She thinks Golden Hair is funny because of her actions in the bears' home.

Cute version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Much preferred over the original.
Best book

Best book I read in my life!